Freedom to stand out
The team at Solos asked us to help them build a more fun, community-focused, modern brand incorporating their younger adventure brand – One & Co – into the wider Solos Holiday brand. Our challenge was to refresh the identity, unite their brands, help them to regroup as a team and get clear on their positioning.
A travel company with a long heritage in group tours for single travellers, Solos wanted to maintain its edge as the leader in this space and continue to attract the over 50s whilst growing a newer millennial customer base to capitalise on its success.
This meant tapping into the brand’s emotional value proposition: it’s a brand that can change lives, start friendships and bring individuals from all walks of life together for sociable holidays and memorable adventures.
The logo is a wordmark with a simple twist: the ‘l’ is formed from the numeral one – putting the individual literally at the centre of the brand identity. We distilled the Solos brand foundations into a single uniting creative idea of ‘freedom together’. This brand essence captures the fundamental emotional positioning of Solos’ active and lively community – a community whose members share ideas and support one another – and it’s the driving force behind Solos attracting and retaining its loyal customers. Those life-changing moments and the friendships that are forged, bring power to Solos’ travellers – something we brought to life via the concept of a flock of birds. This also signifies direction, togetherness and flight, while one solo bird picked out in a different colour represents the individual in a group of like-minded, single travellers.
“There was this real need to put a stake in the ground and become known as the market leader in our field but before we could do that we had to find the right people to make sense of what is quite a complex business…I think what Sue and Rachel have done creatively, and what Nicky’s done with the words, has allowed us to communicate very succinctly with the customer. So now they’ll come to our website and totally get what we’re about. But more than that, being totally clear on where we stand allows us to be more playful and much less corporate.”
Hidden Travel Group